Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Weight Loss Plans 2014

Let’s show you the right way of weight loss. it’s a combination between Dr Oz Diet plan and exercise. it’s the way you can get a slim body and actual weight loss by developing physical activity besides healthy diet plan. 
you may heard these words ” diet & exercise ” many times before and get bored from them but you need to know that diet means just eating healthy foods and low caloric meals. you need to know too that exercise does not mean going to gem .. just be more active , do more tasks and get a lot of moves.
some people focus only on one of these two categories, focus on diet while they are not active , being active is also necessary to complete the Dr Oz weight loss program and you diet plan. as the activity make your body use over energy. this helps much more than you imagine.
for example ; make the bed , go for shopping , clean the house or any other kind of activity may help you and considered as exercise.
on the other hand, exercise must be regular act and basic part in you day , diet plans depend on repetitive exercise.
whatever what you choose to be you daily exercise, you have to achieve 150 minutes per week in moderate sort of activity with 75 minutes at least per week of vigorous aerobic activity.


The equation that balance your weight includes calories , exercise and metabolism inside the body. " eating carbs and large amount of grapefruits will make pounds off" fad diets promises that. But when we need to lose weight we must count the income of calories and it must be lower than the calories burned. Dr Oz Weight Loss will be inhanced by increase the gab between caloric income and outcome. this can be achieved by reduce the high caloric diet with increase the hard exercise to increase the caloric outcome.
Basics of weight loss 
The equation : increase exercise + decrease calories income = weight loss
You can completely understand this simple equation. then you are ready to set your own Dr Oz weight loss plan. you may also ask for advise from your doctor. remember to take support from friends, family, and work partners. the great support you can gain by getting a partner in your weight loss plan. finally you have to anticipate how you will handle situations that challenge your resolve and the inovitable minor setbacks. other ways to lose weight as medications and surgery are recommended if the obesity causes a health problem. you have to visit your doctor and discuss with him that issue.
Don't forget : the base line in any successful weight loss plan is making changes in exercise and Dr Oz Diet habits.

! How to choose a good diet plan

When we talk about Dr Oz Weight Loss, there is no shortage of diet plans. look at any magazine rack, you will find all latest and greatest diet plans. the problem is how to choose the diet plan which fits to your lifestyle and needs.
Dr Oz Weight Loss
Dr Oz Weight Loss
To choose the best Dr Oz Diet plan , it must include these conditions :
*It musr fits to your lifestyle as we said before.
*It must contain regular physical activity part.
*It must includes enough amount of nutrients and many types of foods with low caloric sum.
*Your favorite food must be included in small amount.
*Foods in that Dr Oz Diet plan should be found easily in a local grocery store.
*It must include foods from major food groups such as vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy products, lean protein, grains and nuts.
finally you should feel comfortable to that diet plan to choose it.
Good Luck!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

17 Ways To Lose Weight Without Changing Your Schedule

1. Don’t skip breakfast.

Don't skip breakfast.
Don’t skip breakfast. It is important to start up your metabolism. Hunger sets in long before it’s time for lunch, so those who haven’t had breakfast often reach for snacks that are high in fat or sugar.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

25 Weight Loss Tips for a Fit & Healthy Body

25 Weight Loss Tips for a Fit & Healthy Body

1. Don’t Sugar Coat Your Current State. Come to terms with how bad you’ve let yourself get, and make a promise never to return to where you’re at. It’s OK to be unhappy about the way you look, as long as you channel that energy into positive changes.

2. Take on a Weight Loss Challenge. 90 days is the length of most challenges these days, but you can also find 30 and 60 day ones as well. What a challenge does is gets you to go hard out for a finite amount of time, so you can wrap your head around it. Just be sure to have a plan for when the challenge is finished.

3. Take Mandatory Me Time. If you’re always providing for others you won’t have the time needed to focus on your weight loss and fitness goals. Be sure to schedule some alone time to collect your thoughts.

4. Why Not Live Up to Your Full Potential? Larry Winget says that the human race is the only living thing in the universe that chooses not to live to its fullest potential. The fit and healthy you is possible, so why not go for it!

5. You Can’t Get It Wrong. Many dieters think they’ve got to get it just right in order to be successful. But trying and failing is better than not trying at all. Every step you take in the right direction is helping, and is better than a step in the wrong direction.

6. Avoid Toxic People. You’ll likely find that there are some people in your life that seem to bring you down, especially when they see you start to change for the better. It’s best to avoid them if at all possible, and re-evaluate your relationship with them.

7. Turn Up the Love. Dieting can put you in a state of self-loathing and grumpiness if you let it, but this is actually detrimental to your overall well-being. Show some love for yourself and be grateful for what you have and your efforts will be more effective.

8. Stop Changing the Formula. A true fitness professional has dedicated themselves to getting other in excellent condition. Follow their advice and stop trying to add your own ideas or methods, or twisting it up from what works.

9. Wake Up Early. If you go to bed early enough, you can wake up early and still get your 8 hours. You’ll also be allowing your body to flush out toxins by emptying your bladder and evacuating your bowels at the optimal time of day.

10. Go to Bed Early. You set up the next day by how well you sleep the night before. If you’re staying up late into the night you’re making it more likely that you’ll start the day off on the wrong foot. Plus your organs and systems need sleep in order to function at their best.

11. Take a Longer View. We all want to lose weight like yesterday, but it took awhile for you to get to this point, and it’s going to take some time to get yourself back to good. Be patient and keep the bigger picture in mind.

12. Meditate and Use Visual Imagery. Rather than focusing on how hungry you are or on the things you’re giving up, spend time clearing your head and picturing yourself the way you want to be.

13. Take a Pass on the Latest Craze. Once you step back from the merry-go-round of the latest trends you can see how silly they are. Choose a solid program to follow and stick with it.

14. Ready, Fire, Aim! Don’t sit around waiting for the perfect strategy to come by, just get started doing something. The interesting thing is that once you start down the road to weight loss, the answers you need will come to you effortlessly.

15. Pick a Guru, Any Guru. The problem is that there are so many gurus out there, many saying the same things, and others saying everyone else has it wrong, that it can stall your start. Pick the one that resonates most with you and go with what they say, at least until you reach your target.

16. Make More Money. It seems odd that money is connected to weight loss, but many people find that they need to start buying new clothes, eating better food, and getting more active. That costs money, and a lack of it can inhibit your progress.

17. Buy a New Pair of Pants. Buy a pair of pants in the size you want to be. But be careful to use them as a motivating factor as you near your goal, and not a demotivator as you struggle to get into them.

18. Learn to Chillax. One characteristic that many dieters seem to share is that they get antsy and feel like they should always be doing something, because it’s being lazy that made them fat. But you have to learn to take some time to just relax and let your mind and body rest, especially now when you are making so many changes.

19. Eat a Light Dinner. Your body is starting to slow down at this time, and this includes your digestive power. Try to avoid a heavy meal and keep in mind that meats take a long time to digest, so are best avoided later in the day.

20. Use Sea Salt Instead of Regular Salt. All of the nasty stuff that industrial grade salt is blamed for is not true for sea salt. In fact sea salt can help the body absorb and utilize the water that you drink.

21. Cut Back or Cut Out Alcohol. Alcohol not only contains a lot of calories, it’s also toxic to the liver, and the liver has a big role to play on making sure your colon, heart, and other organs are working in proper order.

22. Get a Few Wins Under Your Belt. If you’re coming off a long string of dieting losses, try setting a few weight loss goals that you are pretty sure you can achieve. This will boost your confidence in your abilities, and allow you to go after bigger goals down the road.

23. Simplify the Process. Apply the 80/20 principle to your current weight loss efforts. Find the 20% of things that are producing 80% of your results and do more of those things. Considering cutting down on or eliminating unfruitful actions.

24. Research Your Local Area. Scour your local area for exercise facilities, basketball, tennis, and racquetball courts, saunas, swimming pools, yoga classes, and nutritionists. That way you’ll have a go-to list of places to help you along your journey.

25. Fly Like Peter Pan. When Peter Pan had to learn to fly it was suggested that he hold just one happy thought in order to move the process along. That same wisdom can be applied to your current situation. Think happy thoughts while you’re trying to lose weight, and your efforts will be multiplied.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

7 Reasons Why Your Diet Isn't Working

7 Reasons Why Your Diet Isn't Working

1. You Don’t Count All Calories
You track all the calories you take in during breakfast, lunch and dinner. But you conveniently forget to count the little stuff between meals—like the free supermarket samples you noshed on or the handful of candy you grabbed from a coworker’s desk. “These tiny servings can add up to hundreds of extra calories and thwart weight loss,” says McDaniel.

2. You Skip Breakfast
Cutting out an entire meal can fast-track weight loss, right? Nope. When your body is low on fuel, your metabolism grinds to a halt, so you burn calories at a slower rate than if you’d consumed a decent-size healthy a.m. meal. And don’t forget the killer cravings that set in when you deprive yourself—they can compel you to overeat all afternoon and evening. Within an hour of waking up, eat a morning meal high in low-fat protein, such as an egg white tortilla wrap, oatmeal and milk, or yogurt and nuts. The protein helps fill you up while fueling your energy.

As an experiment, McDaniel urges dieters to write down every single morsel eaten each day for a full week, no matter how small. Then, look over your list and see if you’re taking in more calories than you realized. Thought so. From now on, try to fight the urge for these little splurges, and your total daily calories will go down.

3. You Don’t Weigh In Often Enough
Of course you want to keep your scale time to a minimum—the big reveal can be stressful! But also, hormone swings, stress, and other factors can cause your weight to fluctuate from day to day, so sporadic scale readings aren’t an accurate measure and can deflate your spirits if the number isn’t much different from the last time you weighed in.

McDaniel recommends weighing yourself first thing in the morning every day, so you can see fluctuations as they come and go and know that they’re normal. Then, evaluate your progress by calculating your average weight loss per day over the course of one week. This number is a more accurate reflection of your progress, she says.

4. You Eat Off Oversize Dishes
On a platter-size plate, four ounces of chicken looks like nothing. By the time you wolf it down, you’re already thinking about seconds—even though you’ve actually consumed a normal single-size portion. “It’s all about perception; your brain sees a big surface and what appears to be a small amount of food and decides it’s not enough,” says McDaniel.

Switch to eating off regular dinner plates or even appetizer plates, which will make that same serving feel more satisfying, since it gives the illusion of a fuller portion.

5. You Always Order Salads
Thanks to creamy dressings, croutons, and high-fat cheeses and nuts, the typical salad you order at a restaurant is a minefield of hidden calories, sometimes clocking it at several hundred per innocent-looking bowl, says McDaniel.

Salads contain so many good greens, so you don’t want to stop eating them. Just trim them down like this: Slather on only a few drops of dressing, go easy on cheese and nuts, and dodge those high-fat croutons or fried noodles. You’ll have slashed the calorie count by half without sacrificing taste.

6. You Cut Out an Entire Food Group
Ever notice that a lot of fad diets rely on eliminating one category of food, such as carbs or fruit or dairy? You might shed pounds at first this one, but ultimately, demonizing one food type almost always backfires. First, you’ll not only feel deprived, but you’ll also get bored pretty quickly . . . and then overindulge.

A balanced, moderate diet that incorporates a little bit of lots of foods (even products on your “bad” list, like fats and desserts) will be more satisfying as well as more sustainable for the long-term.

7. You Expect Instant Results
When you’re trying to reach a goal weight, you’re eager to be there ASAP. And since so many diets promise rapid weight loss, you almost expect to go down a dress size in days . . . then feel frustrated when it doesn’t happen. “Unfortunately, weight loss isn’t instant; losing anywhere from a half pound to a pound per week is in the normal
range,” says McDaniel.

It’s easy to get fed up when you’re certain you should have made more progress. But keep this fact in mind: the slower and steadier you drop pounds, the more likely you are to keep them off for good.

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