Saturday, December 7, 2013

10 Cheap and Easy Ways to Eat Healthy

10 Cheap and Easy Ways to Eat Healthy

1. Choose fresh or frozen over canned.
For veggies, soups, and beans, nixing the can cuts out unnecessary sodium. For fruit, it avoids excess sugar. Plus, the fresh stuff always tastes better. And, perhaps surprisingly, canned produce can actually end up costing more (or at least the same amount) as the fresh stuff!

2. Make a grocery list (and stick to it).
By heading to the store with a clear list of what's necessary, it's much easier to avoid last-minute purchases. (Some studies say shoppers may still make impulsive buys… but the list can't hurt.) Feeling techy? Try one of the many apps that can help with shopping, like GroceryIQ or Shopper.

3. Eat naturally sweet food (and don't add extra sugar to it!).
Some of us have a sweet tooth, but instead of indulging in sugar-packed processed foods, choose naturally sweet ones to cut down on sugar cravings later. Start in the fruit section and choose naturally sweet vegetables like beets, corn, and sweet potatoes (just to name a few!).

4. Don’t go shopping hungry.
Even after you take the time to write a meticulous grocery list, if that stomach is grumbling so loudly the people in the next aisle can hear it, chances are something surprising’s going to jump into the shopping cart. Avoid succumbing to last-minute cravings (like, say, for lardwiches) by eating a healthy snack (or meal) before heading to the store.

5. Buy in bulk and divide into portions.
Yes, this strategy is mostly a way to cut down on cost. But buying in bulk — anything from vegetables, to meat, to grains — can also cut down on shopping time, so there’s more time left to prepare healthy meals.

6. Pre-package snacks.
When eating out of a family-sized potato chip bag, it's easy to keep reaching that hand in until all that's left are the greasy crumbs. Instead of wasting away in a bottomless pit of chips, try pre-portioning snack foods into single-serving plastic baggies or reusable containers.

7. Grow your own herbs.
Fresh herbs (or freshly dried ones) are a great way to season food without excess salt, butter, or cheese. Growing a personal herb garden isn't only good for that belly — it's also an easy way to pretty up any space! All that’s necessary for a DIY herb garden is a few small planters and an empty windowsill (even the Greatist office has one!).

8. Forget about counting calories.
Checking every nutrition label before chowing down is annoying (to say the least). Instead focus on meals that include a variety of nutrients, colors, and fresh ingredients. It's much easier to keep a healthy, balanced diet this way than by counting calories.

9. Replace dessert with fruit.
(…Or at least add fruit to dessert.) While some varieties can be high in sugar, fruit is a great way to satisfy that sweet tooth without breaking the sugar bank. Plus, it offers health benefits typical desserts can't, like fiber and antioxidants. And opting for fruit can help avoid that dreaded sugar crash.

10. Pace your mealtime.
When we eat quickly, our bodies don’t always have time to realize we’re full — so it’s easy to overeat [9]. Enjoy what's on the plate, and stop eating as soon as that stomach gives the first hint of being full. It's always possible to eat more later.

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