Monday, November 25, 2013

8 Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Digestion

8 Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Digestion

1. Eat slowly
You're eating on the run, you're busy, you're stressed, you're late – we get it – but you still need to chew, chew, chew instead of bolting your food. Every time you slow down, your digestive system catches up. Try it; you’ll like it.

2. Make time for breakfast
Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism. Remember, you're doing your digestive system a favour, so don't skip the most important meal of the day. Make it doubly effective by including a daily probiotic like Activia yoghurt, the only yoghurt specifically targeting digestive discomfort. It comes in a tub. You have no excuse.

3. Don't supersize
Gavin calls it "portion proportion" – beware the dreaded supersized serve. We were raised to eat everything on our plate, but that was before portions blew out beyond belief. Try leaving some empty space on your plate at home. It’s that easy. And when you’re out, watch out: if your meal looks too big to comfortably break down, it probably is.

4. Get moving
Dedicated exercise is a force for digestive good, but all activity counts. Take the stairs. Walk to the shops. Leave your desk for the occasional magical mystery tour of the office. Your digestive system doesn’t care how you move, only that you do. 

5. Enjoy an early dinner
Finish food earlier. Book the first dinner sitting when eating out; we should all be done dining three hours before lights out, for sweet dreams and smooth digestion.

6. Cut down on booze
Try curbing your enthusiasm for that after-five reward. Here's a sobering thought: according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 14% of all deaths caused by digestive system disease are alcohol related. And that's without considering the impact of other common features of a big night out (24-hour takeaways, we're looking at you). Cut out or at least cut back on your alcohol intake, and if you do fancy a drink, steer clear of champagne or fizzy drinks – bubbles cause trouble in your belly.

7. Avoid processed foods
Our obsession with low GI foods continues, but Gavin says it’s "all about low HI: foods with low human intervention." Processed foods are the enemy of digestive health. Looking for a culprit? Put back the box. Anything that can sit on a shelf for six months can stay there.

8. Take a lunch break
Leave the office at lunchtime and free your feet. That's right: find a patch of grass, take off your shoes and tilt your face skyward. Bare feet get the chance to release some toxins and you get your daily dose of vitamin D, essential to overall good health.

References and Sources : Body and Soul

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